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·Old photos: postcards, Dalian
·The Prambanan Temples: the largest temple complex on the Indonesian island of Java
·Xinfu island, Haikou
·Humanistic quiet Trips: Yangming Shrine in Guiyang, Guizhou Province
·The pearl of the plateau: Dianchi Lake in Kunming, Yunnan Province
·Seychelles: dreamlike and beautiful tropical paradise
·Silver jewelry of Hmong in China
·Many splendours of minority costumes: Hmong Fashion Arts
·Fuzhou Xichansi Temple: one of the five major Buddhist Temple in Fujian Province
·Xingyi Lubuge
·Jinan, Shandong provincial capital
·International Combat Desertification and Drought
·Bali: a travel wonder in Indonesia
·Peking University: China's first national comprehensive university
·City scenery of Beijng
·Czech Republic
·New Zealand
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·South Korea
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·United Arab Emirates
·United States
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·Zambezi river
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·Beating between light and shad...
·Models of Chongqing Internatio...
·Erotic China\'s top ten wonder...
·Chinese Paper Cutting: a long ...
·Velvet ring: the head of the c...
·Traces of Han Chang\'an City i...
·Tiger-head shoes: Chinese trad...
·Xi\'an old street impression
·The largest of Swan winter hab...
·Vietnamese folk songs and danc...
·Old photos of Chinese history:...
·Prayer flags in the wind danci...
·Shanghai 2010 Biennale
·Traditional Chinese Festival: ...
·Beijing opera: Monkey Wars mon...
·History old photos of Expo
·Expo poster
·Ambilight night of Expo
·Yanbian Bull of Jilin Province...